People tend to have a lot of misconceptions when it comes to maintaining asphalt. Some believe that this is a task that only experienced professionals can tackle. And while some repairs are only fixable by professionals, others are efficiently dealt with by amateurs with some DIY enthusiasm. Unfortunately, even the DIY enthusiast tend to tackle asphalt maintenance haphazardly and cause more harm than good. To help combat this, we will give you five asphalt maintenance tips that every homeowner should know.

Most important asphalt maintenance tips

While we feel that our asphalt tips will be enlightening, we should mention that it is impossible to cover all that asphalt maintenance entails in a single article. If you feel that you need further info or outright help, we strongly suggest consulting with professionals. They will be able to give you more precise advice and check out your problem in person if need be. With that out of the way, let’s see what tips you should keep in mind.

Thorough cleaning

A common mistake people make before fixing their asphalt is failing to clean it properly. Whether you are crack filling or seal coating, you first need to ensure that the entire work surface is thoroughly clean. This means first wire-brushing the cracks and then using a gas blower to rinse them out. If there is any loose debris or extra dirt, you need to clear it out. While this may sound arduous, know that it is a mandatory step. Without thorough cleaning, you are essentially setting yourself up for failure. Whatever fix you apply, you will likely have to address it again.

Keep track of the weather

It is crucial to have suitable weather to fill cracks or potholes correctly. Without it, the applied fix won’t cure properly and will only require further repair. So, before you start any work, make sure to check the weather forecast. The decent crack filling requires a temperature above 60°F (16°C) without extra moisture. If the entire week doesn’t stand to have such weather, don’t attempt to fix your asphalt. Timing is critical, especially if you want to achieve a long-lasting fix.

Another thing to keep in mind is that nothing should interact with the asphalt fix while drying up, hefty objects like outdoor furniture or cars especially. If need be, try to store these items until the fix is complete. For furniture, you only need to find a storage service to help you out. And for a car, you will need a bit more work. Firstly, it’s crucial to prepare your car for storage, so follow steps in the process carefully and religiously. Then, figure out how to get by without your car for a while.

Sealcoating requires two layers

Another common mistake people make is applying only one layer of seal coating. Most are aware that a single thin layer of seal coating won’t do the trick. Similarly to painting your home, it will soon become evident that a single coat isn’t enough. But, unlike painting the walls of your home, here you have the option to apply a single, thick layer of seal coating. And while this may sound like a good idea, we’re here to tell you that it isn’t. The safest course of action is first to apply a single, thin layer and see if there are any issues. Once it dries completely, you should apply the second one. Yes, the process will take longer. But there is simply no going around the fact that doing so is the safer option. If it sounds burdensome, hire professionals to apply seal coating for you. Don’t make costly mistakes due to laziness.

Use machines for line striping

Line striping is one of the DIY projects where using suitable machines can save you from a lot of trouble. If you have little experience, you will likely make mistakes when using basic tools, especially if you have some finer details to handle. So, if you need to tackle line stripping, make sure that you get the necessary machine to make your job easier. Or hire professionals to do it for you.

Divert water

We’ve already mentioned that you need to maintain proper temperature and moisture for your fixes to settle in. This does not only come through monitoring weather forecasts and planning accordingly. It also necessitates that you divert any water that might come into contact with your fixes. As a rule, the more you control the moisture connected to your asphalt, the better. Be it too dry or too wet, extreme conditions will damage it. And the more you can maintain it at that ideal level, the longer it will last. This is valuable to keep in mind during train installation.

Final thoughts

An extra piece of advice is to address any issue with your asphalt as soon as possible. Small cracks are relatively easy to fix, but they are also easy to ignore. The trouble is that small cracks gradually grow in size. And this graduality is what causes people to postpone fixing until the problem becomes considerably more extensive. Try to repair your asphalt as soon as something goes amiss to avoid this costly mistake.

With the last asphalt maintenance tips, you should be on your way to enjoying a decent driveway. If you maintain and improve it correctly, your driveway can last you a lifetime. But, if you don’t take care of it, you will likely have to replace it every ten years. This is not only costly but also quite arduous. So, do yourself a favor and make sure that your asphalt is properly maintained for as long as possible.